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Distance Learning



What is Distance Learning?


Distance learning is available for adult basic education students in Pennsylvania. Distance learning provides students with educational resources (Internet, workbooks and videos) in a structured program outside of the classroom. 

Why Distance Learning?


A student is supported by a teacher at a distance using phone calls, e-mail, and mail. Based on students’ needs and preferences, learning can be done completely at a distance or using distance studies and face-to-face classes. Distance learning is beneficial to students who have scheduling conflicts with face-to-face classes, would like to work independently, or receive additional instruction.


Are You Ready for Distance Learning? 


Distance Learning is an awesome program for students that are comfortable with learning new information. Distance Learning students have clear educational goals that they want to accomplish. Through this program students learn the skills and resources to accomplish their goals. Distance Learning is for students that are self-motivated and willing to dedicate time to studying. This program is great for students that are able to work independently online. Please fill out the survey below. Answer all questions to the best of your ability.



Getting Started With Distance Learning


Many students have been successful with distance learning, and you can too! Although this program is very popular, we still have space for motivated, hard-working students. All services are provided FREE to you and you'll have a distance teacher to support you along the way.

There are three steps to apply to the program. Each of these steps will help you reach your goal and are required to be completed before beginning classes.

Step 1
Apply online using the
Online Application System website using the Application Guide

Step 2:
  Complete an assessment at a local agency. This assessment will help you to identify your strengths and areas you'll need to work on to reach your goal.

Step 3 :  Call the DLP to schedule your orientation. Your orientation will have activities you'll work on independently and a phone orientation with an experienced distance teacher and other distance learners. (Phone orientations are available during the day and evenings to fit your schedule.)



 Website Address: http://dlreferrals.tiu11.org/


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