
Your Google Account

Your Google Account


 Each new student must set up an email account through Google (a.k.a. gmail). Google is a highly useful search engine.  It is also a free way to access email, chat with your tutor, create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.


Follow these steps to create your new gmail account!


  1. Go to
  2. On the right side of the screen, you will find the "CREATE AN ACCOUNT" button.  Click on this.
  3. Fill in the necessary information.  
  • You can create whatever email address you want, but we encourage you to use your first and last name because it is more professional and appropriate to use in a work environment (ex.
  • If your name is not available, use your middle name or initials (ex.,
  • Use a password that you will remember, and write it down if you need to.

     4.  If all goes well, you will then be transferred to a page that says "Congratulations!"  Click on the "SHOW ME MY ACCOUNT" button. 

  • This is your gmail account.  You can chat with tutors, receive and send emails, and do many other things. Hit "COMPOSE MAIL," on the upper left hand side of the screen. 

     5. Please send an email to

  • In the subject line, please write "ABLLE EMAIL CONFIRMATION"  This will let the staff know that you have set up your account.


 The next time you wish to use your gmail on any computer with internet access, just go to, and sign in with your email address (username) and password.


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